August 18, 2022

What Is The Difference Between Yin And Restorative Yoga?

Yin yoga and Restorative yoga are both gentle, slow-paced styles of yoga that are designed to help practitioners relax and restore their bodies and minds. However, there are some differences between the two. If you have wondered what those might be, read on to learn more and decide which might suit you best.

An overview

Yin yoga is a style of yoga that emphasises holding poses for long periods of time, typically 3-5 minutes or more. These poses are typically seated or lying down and are designed to target the deeper connective tissues of the body, such as the ligaments, joints, and fascia. Yin yoga helps to increase flexibility and mobility, and also promotes relaxation and mindfulness.

Restorative yoga, on the other hand, uses props such as blankets, blocks, and bolsters to support the body in comfortable and passive poses. These poses are held for several minutes, allowing the body and mind to relax deeply. Restorative yoga is designed to reduce stress and anxiety, calm the nervous system, and promote deep rest and relaxation.

One key difference between the two styles is the level of intensity. Yin yoga can be more intense, as the long holds can be physically challenging and require mental endurance. Restorative yoga, on the other hand, is generally more gentle and relaxing, with a focus on comfort and support.

Another difference is the focus on the breath. In Yin yoga, practitioners are encouraged to breathe deeply and focus on the sensations in their bodies. In Restorative yoga, the focus is on deep, slow breathing to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation.

Both Yin yoga and Restorative yoga are excellent choices for those seeking a gentle, restorative practice, but they differ in their approach and benefits. Let’s take a more in depth look at each style to understand them further.

What is yin yoga?

In Yin yoga, the goal is to relax the muscles and allow the body to sink deeper into the poses over time. This is achieved through long, passive holds, with the support of props such as blankets, blocks, and bolsters. Yin yoga is designed to increase flexibility and mobility, particularly in areas of the body that are often tight or restricted, such as the hips, lower back, and shoulders.

Yin yoga is also a meditative practice, with a focus on breath awareness and mindfulness. Practitioners are encouraged to observe their thoughts and sensations without judgment, and to remain present in the moment. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and increase overall well-being.

Yin yoga is suitable for practitioners of all levels, from beginners to advanced yogis. It is particularly beneficial for those with a more active, yang-based practice, such as Vinyasa or Power yoga, as it helps to balance and restore the body’s energy. Yin yoga is also a great choice for those with injuries or chronic pain, as it is a gentle and non-invasive practice that can be adapted to individual needs.

What is restorative yoga?

Restorative yoga is a form of yoga that emphasizes relaxation and rest. It involves holding gentle and supported poses for an extended period of time, typically between five and twenty minutes, using props such as blankets, bolsters, and blocks to support the body.

The goal of restorative yoga is to provide a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience for both the body and the mind. By holding the poses for an extended period of time, the body is able to relax and release tension, while the mind is given the opportunity to slow down and find a sense of calm.

Restorative yoga is especially beneficial for those who are dealing with stress, anxiety, or chronic pain. It can also be helpful for those recovering from an injury or illness, as it provides a gentle form of exercise that does not put excessive strain on the body. It is a gentle and relaxing form of yoga that can help to promote physical and mental well-being.

Still need a bit of extra info?

Yoga is a wonderfully accessible practice. It does not matter how old, sore or inflexible you feel, there’s a style of yoga and a teacher out there with a practice that’s perfect for you. A good class will leave you feeling restored and rejuvenated, ready to walk back in to your life with a renewed sense of vigour and connection.

Reach out to Mount Martha Yoga and let us design a class that’s ideal for you. Studio owner Emily specialises in private yoga sessions near me, so if you are looking for yoga near me connect with her today to chat about how she can help. There’s so much to gain from developing a regular practice.
